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The Positive Thinking Secret

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“All things have purpose, and I will find the good in everything that shows up in my life” – Aaron Kennard


What would it be like to stop feeling blindsided by life?

To wake up feeling thrilled to be alive regardless of your circumstances?

To feel happy and at peace even when all hell is breaking loose around you?

You’re about to discover the Positive Thinking Secret that will revolutionize your life by showing you how to increase the joy, happiness, and freedom you experience in your life starting today…and your life will never be the same.

Author Aaron Kennard exposes in frank and emotional detail how this secret revitalized his own life overnight, and then later sustained him with the peace, hope, & faith required to navigate torturous unimaginable pain and disease while feeling immense gratitude for it all. The Positive Thinking Secret has already helped many find greater freedom to enjoy life. 

You’re next.

More detail: What this book is, and what it is not:

The Positive Thinking Secret is a tool to remove discontentment & discouragement, and to provide hope and inspiration. Understanding the secret helps a person find happiness, meaning, and joy, regardless of the circumstances they face in life.

The ‘Positive Thinking Secret’ is NOT a cure for autoimmune disease. It is a helping hand for the broken or downtrodden spirit. While it is possible this secret may aid in physical healing, that is not the point of this book.

This book is graphic and intense at times. If you are looking for a book full of positive affirmations, you won’t find that here. This book is a very detailed account of a year of the Author’s life. Many of the chapters take you on a journey with sometimes intense details of the author’s suffering through a debilitating auto-immune disease.

If you have a low tolerance for the harsh reality of the pain of disease, you may not be able to handle this book. The language is clean, but there are many details about a severe medical condition. The author gives a full, open, and honest account including journal entries and emails containing real-time thoughts that were happening through the process. It also contains accounts of intense emotional suffering.

The people who love this book are those intrigued by a compelling and true story told straight from the heart of someone who was able to use the Positive Thinking Secret to find happiness and joy even in the midst of massive pain and adversity.

Everyone experiences adversity and pain, as well as times of pleasure and happiness.

This book will give you a fresh way of looking at ALL experiences, which if applied, is sure to bring joy to your soul.

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2 thoughts on “The Positive Thinking Secret

  1. Why the title? The title is misleading, it has nothing to do with what is in its content. I am glad he recovered, his message in fact is the truth. However, he does not describe how did it worked for him, any person will hope for the best and expect the good under that kind of stress, since it will think that he/she is at the worst of the worst. There is an obvious point at the end of the book: he has not discovered the real truth about positive thinking. The conclusion of the book is to avoid Sugars…

  2. Enthusiastic Thought Warping for Christians! It was not clear from the title, cover, or description of this book that this book is religious in nature. I have no problem with books involving religion and I read plenty of them, but I expect an author to be forthcoming in their title or description. Rather than help me to have positive thoughts, within ten minutes of starting this book I was having plenty of negative thoughts from references to God as I do not share the author’s particular religious beliefs. This is not a multifaceted or…

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