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The Prayer Motivator: Inspiration, Encouragement, and Motivation to Pray So You Can Live Your Best Life

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“And he spake a parable unto them to this end,
that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” JESUS CHRIST, Luke 18:1

“As is the business of tailors to make clothes and cobblers to make shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray.” MARTIN LUTHER

I am convinced that most people do not need to learn how to pray; they need to Just Pray! Prayer is like any other important discipline in the Christian life. If you don’t do it, you won’t reap the benefits and blessings that God wants you to have. If you want to reap the benefits and blessings of prayer, then you need to Just Pray! This is what The Prayer Motivator is all about. Down through the years, nothing has motivated me to pray more than verses on prayer in the Bible and powerful quotes from saints of the past and present regarding their experience with prayer. -Daniel Whyte III, from the Introduction

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2 thoughts on “The Prayer Motivator: Inspiration, Encouragement, and Motivation to Pray So You Can Live Your Best Life

  1. The Prayer Motivator is not your typical how to pray manual but seeks to do just as the title suggests motivate one to pray. But rather it provides a wide selection of scriptures and quotes about prayer. Reading quotes such as “The little estimate we put on prayer is evident from the little time we give it-E.M Bounds” and many others compels readers to get back to business of praying.

  2. Enjoy the author’s compilation of scriptures and quotes on prayer! A great encouragement and supplement to personal prayer and devotion time.

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