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Understanding Motivation and Emotion

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Gain a greater understanding of motivation, where it comes from, how and why it changes over time, and how motivation can be increased and its quality enhanced. Learn how to apply the principles of motivation in such settings as schools, the workplace, the athletic field, counseling, and one’s own personal strivings. Features:Comprehensive coverage:  all aspects of motivation study, including biological, cognitive, social, etc.Practical perspective on motivation study: numerous how-to applications that show how to motivate yourself and others.Clear and concise writing style: translates the research  in ways that are easy to understand.

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3 thoughts on “Understanding Motivation and Emotion

  1. Emotions Play A Big Part in Relationships of All Kinds. Historians explore the early experiences of Lincoln, Churchill, Einstein, Hitler, and Napoleon to find the beginnings of the motivation which shaped their careers. Attempting to learn why people do what they do in particular places and times help to understand their motivations and the consequences. Basic reality is that each and every person is living in and reacting to his environment in different ways at different times. Cyclical changes take place according to the immediate environments…

  2. An old edition that functions like the newer ones. Students and faculty have a secret given the current multiple editions and prices of textbooks. Buy the last/older edition. It probably is pretty much like the new one. Reeve’s book serves just this purpose. There are a couple of new editions out in the $100-140 range; this one was less than $10 and it got the student an “A” in the course.

  3. Very dense, but great information I’m new to the field of psychology, and this has been a great introduction to motivation. However, it is very dense and requires making tabs and using highlighters if you plan to really learn the information in it. For a lighter (but still informative) read on motivation, check out Edward Deci books.

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