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The Master Key System teaches its readers that everything around us was first developed as a thought. Thought, therefore, is the powerful catalyst towards making any idea a reality. Based upon the principle of using thought as the manifestation of creative energy, The Master Key System instructs the reader on how to use the power of these thoughts to realize your dreams.

Divided into twenty-four sections with exercises in each section to train and develop your mental skills, The Master Key System is to be read at the slow pace of one chapter per week. Take your time, re-read each section and memorize its contents before moving on to the next. Follow these steps and watch your thoughts turn into reality.

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3 thoughts on "The New Master Key System (Library of Hidden Knowledge)"

  1. BajanMarge says:

    Love Ruth L. Miller’s edited version… Ruth L. Miller offers an easy to understand, updated, edited version Of the Master Key System along with the original text. This allows me to compare, clearly visualize and internalize the information. I have read the original text previously, presented by others, but this has been a much easier read and I’m enjoying comparing the editor’s concept of each chapter with the original.This is good work by Ruth L. Miller. I would recommend this book to anyone wishing to learn of the Master Key, as presented by Charles F. Haanel.

  2. R. M. Templer "Business Guerrillas" says:

    Laws of Attraction de- Mystified This book is an absolute god send and is more relevant today than in 1912. The no nonsense style and week by week instruction is a joy to read, easy to follow and gives the reader enough information to focus and implement each section. After years of trying to constantly implement the laws of attraction and having success limited to my ability to focus, The Master Key System allows one to fully understand learn and practice the process to the point where concentration is minimal and it becomes ingrained in your habits.Reg Templer, Adelaide, South Australia.

  3. Kelly Pia "Kelly" says:

    Great Book I don’t understand how someone wrote that this book is a rip-off of the original book. This book contains all of the original text/book at the end of the revised version for the new Century. I have been comparing the new text to the original text contained at the end of the book, and it is very much the same. It is only revised in a way so that we can understand it due to the change our language over the last 100 years. I would recommend this book to anyone. In fact, I have.

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