Many of the worlds’ most successful men have attributed Napoleon Hill’s books to their success, most notably John C. Maxwell who lists it on his MUST READ list. Reading Napoleon Hill books made Noel realize the power of the human mind. These quotes from the various books by Napoleon Hill are some of what he considers to be the most important and powerful things he’s ever said. Read them again and again whenever you feel the need and perhaps use them as a reference. Remember: “You have it within you to become as successful as you really want to be. Decide now what you want out of life and then go after it.” –Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion
Bargain of a Treasure Inspires me to keep going when times get rough. Great quotes, and such a bargain for $1
Five Stars Awesome book of quotes. I strongly recommend reading everything you can by Napoleon Hill. Create a successful mindset!
Very inspiring! Napoleon Hill’s words have never been so pertinent as they are today. His words and actions inspired most successful men in the world to follow. There is a huge variety of quotes, and you never know what to expect. Very inspiring book and I love it. I read it some time in the morning and it really helps kick start my day. We all suffer from those lack luster days and since I’ve started this routine I find myself having a lot, lot less of those days. Really think the positivism and inspiration…