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Finding true joy in life shouldn’t be a treasure hunt. Enjoy this collection of quotes, based on appreciating life’s pleasures and finding happiness. 365 quotes to make you laugh, smile and cry. “The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.” ~ Author unknown

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3 thoughts on "365 Days of Happiness: Inspirational Quotes to Live by (Volume 9)"

  1. Ironwolf says:

    It’s pretty good but…. There needs to be less repetition. This occurred more toward the end of the book. It got to the point that the exact same quote would be used twice on the same page. It had a wide variety at first, but it got sloppy toward the end. Other than that, it was well done with some lovely, less popular quotes in the mix with more well known ones.

  2. Ricky KImsey says:

    Quotes To Make You Happy Here is a collection of quotes about happiness. Most are from notable personalities from the past and present. There’s one quote for every day of the year. This is a good way to either start your day or end your day.

  3. Francesca CH says:

    So so, sloppy and disrespecting the readers I picked up this book because I wanted to create a very personal gift and to find something for my own inspiration.I found only a few quotes I could actually use and write as a message to another person. For my own inspiration I also found just a few that really made me think, but since I didn’t have high expectations that’s OK.What really is not OK is the sloppiness of the writers and the editor. As I really wanted to use the quotes, I was reading carefully and I noticed the…

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