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365 Quotes of Comfort for the Bereaved: A Year of Daily Inspiration to Heal Your Heart

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There are times in life when we simply need a little word of encouragement to get us through the day. One of the most common times that we need these words is when we are experiencing a loss or are grieving. Luckily, there have been many wise people who have shared words of wisdom over the years. In this book, you will find a quote for every day of the year that will help you to begin the healing process. There are quotes from famous poets, Buddha, Helen Keller, as well as modern day icons such as Tony Robbins and Maya Angelou. There are also several bible passages as well. When you begin your day, take a moment to read a quote. Sit quietly for a minute and feel how the quote resonates with you and your current situation. Carry these comforting thoughts in your heart throughout the day and you will begin to see that the sense of calm will help you in coping with your loss.

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3 thoughts on “365 Quotes of Comfort for the Bereaved: A Year of Daily Inspiration to Heal Your Heart

  1. Must Read! I absolutely love this book! I have read all the quotes up to today’s date and I will be continuing to read the quotes every day. The quotes are just little picked-me ups and reminders that will help someone’s day. The quotes are very inspiring and I recommended this book to all!

  2. Absolutely loving this book! I love collecting quotes. And I’ve found quotes in this book are filled with wisdom, peace, and gratitude. By give you one quote per day, Lora guides you to journey to building a rich soul and real wisdom. Here is one of my favorite quote by Albert Einstein: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” Grab this and you will enjoy it, too.

  3. Comforting, uplifting and warm It’s a very good book with lots of comforting, uplifting and warm quotes which include words of such personalities as Lou Reed, Jim Morisson, Socrates, Thích Nhất Hạnh …but you will also find wise passages from Bible or…Winnie The Pooh. It’s a great compilation of wisdom accumulated over the years. The book targets bereaved people, but it’s great for everyone, for worse days, for better days, for every single day. 

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