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A Prism of Quotes

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“Quotes. What else but simple expressions of heart vis-à-vis complex thoughts of mind.” Taking this quote of his own to the next level, Rakesh Missra presents a holistic perspective on life in form of original quotations in this book, “A Prism of Quotes”. These quotations have been written by Rakesh during past two decades of his writing/public life. Happy Reading! Note for Literary Agents/Publishers :: Rakesh Missra owns worldwide publishing rights of all his books (“A Prism of Quotes”, “I Think I have got a book in Me!”, “I Met My Soul” and “The eMedha Paradigm”). Please contact him at for representing or publishing any of his books.

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3 thoughts on “A Prism of Quotes

  1. inspirational and meaningful All the quotes are very thoughtful and make you think of different aspect of life, relationship and bring day today life incidents in front of you.Very nice collection of quotes. One of my favorite “Men are strong and women are vulnerable. Yeah why not? Just like life is fare and truth is welcome”Wishing best wishes for your future projects!

  2. Great Quotes I believe all quote books are the best way to resell things and show points in all situations. I have used these quotes in school, church and office meeting seminars. I would buy for the sear purpose of having it. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  3. amazing book I read & re-read the book to get itabreal essence.Rakeeh has put complex situations and learnings in a smple format.I have also prescribed this book to many of my colleagues.Thanks Rakesh for this book.

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