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A Year of Living Mindfully: 52 Quotes & Weekly Mindfulness Practices

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In this book,30 renowned mindfulness teachers, including Jack Kornfield, Daniel Siegel, Tara Brach, Marsha Linehan, Rick Hanson, Sharon Salzberg, Sylvia Boorstein, Shauna Shapiro, Kristin Neff, and many others, picked their favorite quote, described the mindfulness lesson for that quote, and created a weekly mindfulness practice. All 52 quotes were independent of each other. They are organized into 8 sections. Each section builds upon the previous section, and the reader develops a good understanding of mindfulness in a fun, engaging, and creative way.

Here are a few of my personal favorite quotes:

Wherever you are that is the entry point. – Kabir, 15th century Indian Poet.

I am the cause of most of my suffering because of the habits of my mind. – His Holiness the Dalai Lama, at 8 years of age.

The essence of bravery is being without self-deception. – Pema Chodron.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi.

Each of these, and the other 48 quotes, are analyzed by one of our mindfulness teachers, you are given a mindfulness practice for the week, each week, for 52 weeks. These teachers bring you ways to develop a more mindful attitude, and a better way of being in life.

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1 thought on “A Year of Living Mindfully: 52 Quotes & Weekly Mindfulness Practices

  1. Inspirational and helpful. I didn’t read this book from cover to cover, and I don’t think it is intended to be used that way. I would flip from section to section depending on how I felt and what sort of wisdom I was searching for on that day. The quotes are inspirational and enjoyable. I took a moment to digest each quote and think about what the quote inspired in me or meant to me. Then I would read about what it meant to the person who provided the quote (some of my favorite mindfulness teachers, btw!!) It was…

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