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Anne Lamott Quotes: Anne Lamott, quotes, quotations, famous quotes

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The Best Anne Lamott Quotation Book ever Published.

Special Edition

This book of Anne Lamott quotes contains only the rarest and most valuable quotations ever recorded about Anne Lamott, authored by a team of experienced researchers. Hundreds of hours have been spent in sourcing, editing and verifying only the best quotations about Anne Lamott for your reading pleasure, saving you time and expensive referencing costs. This book contains over 36 pages of quotations which are immaculately presented and formatted for premium consumption. Be inspired by these Anne Lamott quotes; this book is a niche classic which will have you coming back to enjoy time and time again.

What’s Inside:

Contains only the best quotations on Anne Lamott Over 36 pages of premium content Beautifully formatted and edited for maximum enjoyment Makes for the perfect niche gift for you or someone special

Enjoy such quotes such as:

A whole lot of us believers, of all different religions, are ready to turn back the tide of madness by walking together, in both the dark and the light – in other words, through life – registering voters as we go, and keeping the faith.
Anne Lamott

Age has given me the gift of me; it just gave me what I was always longing for, which was to get to be the woman I’ve already dreamt of being. Which is somebody who can do rest and do hard work and be a really constant companion, a constant, tender-hearted wife to myself.
Anne Lamott

Alice Adams wrote a sweet note to me after my first novel came out when I was 26, and I was so blown away that I sent her a bunch of stamps by return mail. I have no idea what I was thinking. It was a star-struck impulse.
Anne Lamott

All parents are an embarrassment to their kids. Often, grandparents are the relief. Kids don’t have to resist you.
Anne Lamott

Bananas are great, as I believe them to be the only known cure for existential dread. Also, Mother Teresa said that in India, a woman dying in the street will share her banana with anyone

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