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As a Man Thinketh

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Drawn from the Biblical text which reads, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” James Allen’s work As a Man Thinketh has been for over a century a guide and inspiration for those who need direction and to find their path in life. Allen makes the bold yet simple assertion that a man can be successful if he thinks it’s so, and a man will fail if he thinks that, too. This work may be brief, but its timeless message of hope and empowerment compels readers to stand up and take responsibility for their own success.

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3 thoughts on “As a Man Thinketh

  1. Mind boggling I like how it was kept simple and plain. I mean there is no magic to achieving what you want. People always try to make it seem as if there is some special code that makes you great in every area of your life. James Allen explains how simple it is and the fact that it starts small and has to increase over time. Everything doesn’t just happen in a couple of months or a year. It is an ongoing process and he explains how you can never be relaxed in your thought life. It was very enlightening and…

  2. Life-changing This book was so amazing. It has changed my life in such a positive way. My thought life is the biggest contributor to my quality of life and up until this book, I had not realized how much control I can have over the direction it takes.

  3. Well worth reading and rereading This book is my bible. It was given to me by my father when I was 16 years old. I had no idea of the meaning of the book until I was 35 years old although I had tried to read it numerous times over the years. It is a most positve way of living your life. Although it was writen over a hundred years ago it is timeless.

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