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As A Man Thinketh

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All that we achieve and all that we fail to achieve is the direct result of our own thoughts. As a Man Thinketh is a classic in the truest sense: few books have been so widely read, have stood the test of time so well, have had such an impact on generations of readers, and have carried such a simple, profound message: You are what you think. Og Mandino counted As a Man Thinketh among the top ten success books of all time–read it today and put its wisdom to work for you!

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3 thoughts on “As A Man Thinketh

  1. This is one of the most powerful books I’ve read I have to say, that I was ready for the content, so it was particularly impactful. I just finished reading “Ask and It Is Given” and had most recently read through the chapter titled “Accurate Thought” in the book titled “The Law of Success” published by Orne Publishing. In fact, the day I was introduced to “As a Man Thinketh,” I had just read about “Accurate Thought” the night before. I was walking through my office building, and this guy I know, totally unprompted and in a random manner,…

  2. but very disappointed! This book did not have all the content of the original. There was a paragraph missing and some words missing. p16 needs an “a” at the end of line 11. p18 needs the word ‘kinds’ inserted between “all” and “crystallize” on line 15. p34 needs to add “ing” to the word “see” on line 13. These corrections may seem insignificant but I had to read the original, comparing page by page to this new edition, and then correct all nine copies purchased. I give these…

  3. The foundation of the entire self-help industry This book is basically everything you need to read on the self-help, self-empowering, reprogramming-your-subconscious-software subject. Although quite thin – I saw corporate brochures thicker than that – it’s packed with words of wisdom, ‘truths’ that you always thought of, in your inner self, but rarely vocalised. 

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