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As a Man Thinketh: by James Allen

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As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh is a literary essay by James Allen, first published in 1902. In more than a century it has become an inspirational classic, selling millions of copies worldwide and bringing faith. Eminently quotable and full of practical advice for individuals who want to better themselves.

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3 thoughts on “As a Man Thinketh: by James Allen

  1. an immortal primer for the ages–young men and women, take note, this is the real ish The greatest inheritance we have from the 19th and 20th century wasn’t the advent of the cotton gin, railroads or internal combution engines–it was that human beings create their world by their thoughts. 

  2. Suffering is always the effect of wrong thought in some direction Suffering is always the effect of wrong thought in some direction…this is a quote from the second chapter and I see that happening all over the world. Love is the answer. Another quote I enjoyed reading was, “Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.” 

  3. Absolutely Blew My Mind This book was a complete life change for me. My entire life I have always been moody, emotionally unstable, tossed to and fro by my thoughts, bubbling with enthusiasm one moment and then sulking in a stupor the next. My last relationship was destroyed by such a mindset. Although I had ideas of what had gone wrong, this book eloquently expounded on ideas that I had vague thoughts of, but was unable to put into words. The first time I was able to put the knowledge I learned from this book into…

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