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Business: Quotes from the Most Successful Entrepreneurs of all Time

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Quotes from the Most Successful Entrepreneurs of all Time 1. Bill Gates 2. Steve Jobs 3. Warren Buffet 4. Henry Ford 5. Andrew Carnegie 6. Mark Zuckerberg 7. Jeff Bezos 8. Walt Disney 9. John D. Rockefeller 10. Elon Musk Quotes Series Artist: Quotes from the Most Successful Painters of all Time. Science: Quotes from the Most Successful Scientists of all Time. Politics: Quotes from the Most Successful Politicians of all Time.

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2 thoughts on “Business: Quotes from the Most Successful Entrepreneurs of all Time

  1. Great Stuff Great Collection of Quotes from the most successful entrepreneurs.

  2. Inspiring collection of quotes The book presents a short summary of each entrepreneur and then some of their remarkable words. These quotes are so motivating, I couldn’t help but think how I was going to incorporate them into my life.To be the best you have to learn from the best and tnizsisthe best collection of quotes I have read.

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