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“Don’t Quote Me”

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“Don’t Quote Me” is an inspirational book that is a culmination of observations and information of Steven’s life sprinkled with famous quotations used to frame his opinions. His goal is to inspire the self confidence that will allow his readers to discover their own individual formula for a successful, happy life. He uses inspiring quotations from the lyrics of classic rock & roll artists as well as athletes, poets, writers and other famous people from all walks of life, including…

Bruce Springsteen
John Lennon
Bob Dylan
Billy Joel
The Rolling Stones
Led Zeppelin
Elton John
Grateful Dead
Oprah Winfrey
Marilyn Monroe
Magic Johnson
Abraham Lincoln
Yogi Berra
Richard Branson
Woody Allen
Lucille Ball
Mark Twain
Jim Valvano

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3 thoughts on ““Don’t Quote Me”

  1. Inspirational Very well written book that was a quick read. The quotes mixed into daily life experiences and positive outlook is genius. Such a great perspective on living life daily to the greateat extent. Such a positive mlessage.

  2. Wonderful Read So many things we think we know, and maybe we do, but forget. Mr. Pollack does a great job putting it all together for us. Following his wisdom can make us all better people and thus a better world. I will re-read this book over and over again and I recommend everyone to do the same.

  3. This is a great read. The book is very conversational This is a great read. The book is very conversational, like your talking with your best friend or mentor. It’s not like the ideas are earth-shakingingly new, its like your getting a gentle kick in the ass reminding you what life is about. I think I knew all of the lessons of life he was espousing but it was great to get a reminder that I needed to rethink some of my pathways.

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