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Einstein Wisdom: Quotes from an Extraordinary Brain

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“Only two people have understood the theory of Relativity. One is Albert Einstein himself and other is God.” We used to hear this a lot during younger ages. Albert Einstein had contributed much to the modern civilization. He stands as the wisest scientist of 20th Century, along with Thomas Alva Edison. We have inconised him in ‘E = mc2 ’ , which is mentioned as world’s most famous equation. Even if someone wake you up from your bed and ask you which equation you can quickly tell which you learned from your schools days, more than 60% chance is that you would thankful to Einstein. Einstein is also considered as one of the most loved scientist of last century. When the wheel of time swing him away from us at the age of 76, along with many discoveries, he was kind enough to leave many quotations for us to think. The book, Einstein Wisdom: Quotes from an Extraordinary Brain, is filled with his quotations of different genres. You should consider this book as a valuable collection for now and the time ahead.

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