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Grace: Quotes & Passages for Heart, Mind, and Soul

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“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”—Maya Angelou

“Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.”—May Sarton

This treasury of quotes and passages on leading a centered, purposeful, and spiritual life offers the advice and observations of leaders from all walks of life. Included are Ghandi, Lao-Tzu, Maya Angelou, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, and hundreds of other unique and inspiring voices on subjects like compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and purpose.

• Beautiful hardcover gift book, affordably priced at $14.95
• For readers of all ages

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3 thoughts on “Grace: Quotes & Passages for Heart, Mind, and Soul

  1. Worth Reading I had seen this book before I ordered it and loved it. This is why I ordered it. The quotes are from many sources; some are long and some are short. But, they all give the readers a lift and something to think about. I am glad I own the book.

  2. Simple Grace This book was given to me by a friend during a difficult time in my life. I have since given a copy of it to each of my children. It is an easy way to be reminded to be thankful of God’s grace and to conduct yourself in a classy and dignified manner so as to be mindful of others.

  3. What a great little treasure for anyone’s library I must admit I had to read this book as part of some research I have been hired to do. What a joy it is when work provides such pleasure. This little book of selected quotes regarding the elusive phenomenon of Grace is just chock full of wisdom and thought provoking passages. It is the sort of book that one can pick up again and again, either to reread or to just pop it open for a quick jolt of inspiration. 

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