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Inspirational Quotes From The Disciplined Trader

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Inspirational Quotes from the Disciplined Trader is a serious, yet entertaining collection of timeless wisdom and knowledge born out of years of experience. With this anthology, Norman Hallett has managed to tap into the importance of mastering the psychology of trading 101 different ways. Successful traders will quickly recognize the power of these quotes as the key principles behind their success. Beginning traders will find that if they embrace the principles in this book, they will save a lot of money in otherwise losing trades and missed opportunities and years of false starts and frustration. Experienced traders who are still struggling have the opportunity to end their struggles and begin to finally experience the success they always envisioned. Regardless of your trading style, method or market, Inspirational Quotes will serve as a constant reminder to stay disciplined and realize your maximum profit potential.

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1 thought on “Inspirational Quotes From The Disciplined Trader

  1. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a copy before … I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a copy before the official release. Now, I read one of these quotes before I start my trading for the day. If you like Norman’s 4-Minute Drill For Traders videos then you’ll love this book!

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