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Pride and Prejudice Book: Quotes from Jane Austen for You

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Classics for Your Collection:


Treasure Island of Golden Nuggets from the Golden Queen Jane Austen

Now that you have read Jane Austen’s book or books, is there something you could do with Jane Austen’s work, other than reading her work again?


People like her books for various reasons. Some like her plots. Others are fascinated by her characters. Still, others are under the enchanted spell of her earnest depiction of romance and courtship.

Her books sell like hotcakes even to this day. She is a legend. And her books have stood the test of time.

Assuming that you have read at least one of her novels, at least once, this book can be your great companion in several ways:

1. Jane Austen, no doubt, held some great ideas about life and people. The quotes from this book can help you to get and stay motivated. They can teach you some important success principles. Maybe they can provide you with some excellent insights about a challenge that you are facing now.

2. Going through these quotes and reflecting on them can give you a “great” feeling and you re-experience the unparalleled feeling when you read her book(s).

3. The book also houses many of her funny, punchy and crunchy lines.

4. Every one of us needs a “Source” of support to go through this life and play like a champion. Assuming that you are an “Austenite” or at least an admirer of Jane Austen, these quotes from her masterpieces could be your very own source of support, solace, and strength. The characters in her novels, like said before, would inspire you, make you laugh, and even provide you solace through these lines.

A Simple Technique:

One person uses a simple technique with this book. When you read and go through the quotes and reflect on them, you can simply put one of the following symbols next to the quote:

I – for quotes that are inspirational and motivational.
H- For lines that are funny and make you laugh or smile.
L- for “Love” or romantic lines that you like.
P- for lines that are motivational, as well as have some “Success and Living” “p”rinciple for your life. You apply these to your life. You can also use these dialogues as “Self-talk” to reprogram yourself or to give you courage, motivation, and encouragement.
W – If you are an aspiring writer, you can add a “W” next to those lines where you discover some ‘Austen” touch and technique. You feel like you have understood something in her writing that caused to bring in a particular effect in that section of the book.
F – For friendship related lines and quotes.

So, when you have gone through the book once and have these symbols, what you possess then is something that most don’t.

You have a book that is a self-help book. A book with your favorite funny lines where you can head to when you feel down. A book that has some insights about writing. Romantic lines that you can share with your spouse or lover (and have a blast). And, in general, a book that brings a feeling of euphoria in you. All from your favorite writer, JA.

From that point forward, you have one “Source” for at least a few needs of yours.

Above all, you have the presence of Jane Austen herself. You can open any page on any day and a message would be waiting for you.

So, as you read her books, you can also keep this companion with you. This is like a reference book. You can carry it with you and refer to it as per your “need” of the hour.

“The distance is nothing when one has a motive.”

– Jane Austen

Just imagine zipping through from Elizabeth Bennet to Lady Susan Vernon to Anne Elliot! Juxtaposing. Let this “PP Book” be a new beginning in your life.

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