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Quote Junkie: Greek And Roman Edition: An Interesting Collection Of Quotes From The Greatest Greek And Roman Philosophers And Leaders

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Over 300 fantastic quotes from some of the greatest ancient Greeks and Romans! The Hagopian Institute, LLC has compiled the Quote Junkie series. The overall series includes over 8,000 quotes, focusing mostly on short quotes that can be used in everyday life as sources of wisdom and inspiration. This particular edition of the series includes quotes from the greatest Greek and Roman philosophers, rulers, and warriors. Please enjoy, and share these quotes with your co-workers, friends and family.

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3 thoughts on “Quote Junkie: Greek And Roman Edition: An Interesting Collection Of Quotes From The Greatest Greek And Roman Philosophers And Leaders

  1. This self-published book by the “Hagopian Institute” gathers some interesting quotes from Greek, Roman and random others. Many quotes appear twice in the book and some, notably those attributed to Confucius, are not of Greek or Roman origin.The quotes lack any sort of citation – no date, no indication of context, no indication of work.The “Hagopian Institute” appears to be the self-publishing identity of Todd Hagopian (google for details).There are many similar…

  2. I’m pretty sure Confucius wasn’t Greek… 0

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