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Quotes on the Beauty of Aging (Hardcover) (Greatest Quotes Series)

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Man has long sought answers to the questions of his own mortality. Time and again, this led inevitably to the broader questions of life itself, and therein lies the common denominator of man’s wisdom on aging. Philosophers from Diogenes to Dylan and many in between each have their own statements on the matter, but they seem to agree on one thing. Aging doesn’t mean getting old for it is only when one stops living that one begins to get old. All will age. We begin aging from the time we are born. But we only begin to get old when we no longer find beauty in living and reasons to live. These pages contain 2500 years of wisdom poignantly illustrated by an artist who herself remained young all her life, right up to the age of 87.

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3 thoughts on “Quotes on the Beauty of Aging (Hardcover) (Greatest Quotes Series)

  1. Heartfelt and wise 0

  2. Birthday Present 0

  3. beauty of aging 0

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