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Quotes on the Wall

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Throughout my teaching career I began collecting quotes. Anytime I heard or read something that was meaningful to me that I thought might be a source of encouragement and inspiration for my students and athletes I would use a black marker, write it on tagboard, laminate it, and post it on the wall of my classroom. My hope was that if my teaching on any given day wasn’t inspiring to a student than the quotes would offer an alternative source of inspiration or at least something to think about. Over 32 years I amassed quite a collection. Even though now retired, my love of words well-spoken has continued. However my collection of quotes has been boxed up in the garage. My purpose in writing this book is to put these quotes in a form to share with others. I hope this collection of words of wisdom from the past will provide others a source of encouragement and hope for the future as they have for me.

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