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Quotes to Inspire: 4000+ Inspirational Quotes Across 50+ Topics

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Looking for a good quote? You’ll find over 4000 great quotes here!

Quotes to Inspire – 2nd Edition
(Updated in 2016 to include recent inspirational quotes)

With over 4000 quotes across 50+ categories, you’ll never need another quote book again!

The world is full of ideas, and there is no better way to capture an idea’s presence than with an inspiring quote.

“To be occasionally quoted is the only fame I care for.” – Alexander Smith, Scottish Poet

“I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.” – George Bernard Shaw, Irish Playwright

“I can live for two months on a good compliment.” – Mark Twain, Author

Offering 4000+ of the world’s favourite quotes, featuring millionaires, to musicians and even the occasional Muppets (thank you “Kermit the Frog”!).

Quotes for:

Actions, Adversity, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anger, Art, Balance, Boredom, Career, Cats, Caution, Change, Children, Christianity, Competence, Competition, Complacency, Computer, Dance, Death, Denial, Desire, Destiny, Destruction, Dignity, Divorce, Dream, Dreams, Drugs, Education, Envy, Fame, Fashion, Feminism, Flower, Funny, Greatness, Guilt, Habits, Happiness, Health, Heart, Heaven, History, Honesty, Humour, Independence, Inspiration, Justice, Knowledge, Lies, Loss, Love, Memory, Men, Opportunity, Problems, Purpose, Revenge, Thought Gems, War, Wisdom, Women and Youth.

*** It is a wonderful mood lifting book. ***

Find your quote. Remember it. Apply it. Then grow by using it. A good quote can have the power to add some simple pleasure in your life. It can help provide the fuel you need to “keep calm and carry on”. Let this quote book be a constant source of inspiration and motivation by your side.

This quote book also finishes with six all-time favourite motivational poems, including “The Slow Dance” by David L Weatherhead and “The Cookie Thief” by Valerie Cox.

Five Star Reviews from the first edition of Quotes to Inspire:
The Best Book Ever!
“I think that this book is great. I found it to be helpful and inspiring. I would recommend it to anyone who is stressed.” – Kindle Customer

Good Book!
“Good quote book, up to date. Anyone who wants to have inspiration from quotes should buy this book.” – Kindle Customer

Seriously who wouldn’t want this resource!
“You never know when life will require a quote. Called on to give a speech, make a point, give a eulogy, speak at a fundraiser, write an article…. A great resource for every occasion or just to pick up and browse.” – Kindle Customer

To make sure you get the most value out of this book, there are three exclusive resources for purchasing this book that will help you in your personal or professional quests.

1. “100 Ways to Gain More Time, Money and Happiness”. We compiled 100 ways to help spark more ideas on how to gain more money, time, and happiness.2. “45 Ways to Increase Productivity for the Entrepreneur”. This gives you 45 amazing ways to get yourself motivated to achieve greater levels as an entrepreneur or employee.3. “100 Amazing Tips to be a More Successful Entrepreneur”. This short book gives you 100 tips and tactics on becoming a better entrepreneur.Please note, you will see a few similar quotes in different chapters, however there are more than 4000+ original quotes. Any identical quotes have been removed over the years and replaced with new quotes, however if there are some that have escaped me or you have a favourite quote that is missing, please let me know!

Why not find your favourite quote today? Because, as Sir Winston Churchill, British Statesman and Prime Minister, says “It is a good thing for an educated man to read a book of quotations!”

Tags: Inspirational quotes, quote book, inspiration

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3 thoughts on “Quotes to Inspire: 4000+ Inspirational Quotes Across 50+ Topics

  1. Five Stars It was nice to open a random page each day and read an inspiring quote for a positive start

  2. Awesome Quotes! Found some great quotes I didn’t know, which is hard for a quote lover. Epic collection so will likely read it again from time to time for a quick pick up on positive mindset. Impressed with the huge amount of quotes available in one book.

  3. Easy access to great quotes Personal development is very important. Instead of reinventing the wheel, leaders of the past and present have left us treasured quotes, which help us reflect on our goals or troubles.Thank you jet for bringing this book to life. I like to click on the different topics to find inspiration.Its useful for my work and when I am writing speeches. Thank you!

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