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The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God

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“Incredibly rich with wisdom and insight that will leave the reader, whether single or married, feeling uplifted.”—The Washington Times

Based on the acclaimed sermon series by New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller, this book shows everyone—Christians, skeptics, singles, longtime married couples, and those about to be engaged—the vision of what marriage should be according to the Bible.

Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that your spouse is there to help you realize your potential; that marriage does not mean forever, but merely for now; and that starting over after a divorce is the best solution to seemingly intractable marriage issues. But these modern-day assumptions are wrong. Timothy Keller, with insights from Kathy, his wife of thirty-seven years, shows marriage to be a glorious relationship that is also misunderstood and mysterious. The Meaning of Marriage offers instruction on how to have a successful marriage, and is essential reading for anyone who wants to know God and love more deeply in this life.

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3 thoughts on “The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God

  1. The Wide Reaching Meaning of Marriage Tim Keller’s The Meaning of Marriage is a wide reaching book on the topic of Marriage. Keller’s focus is broad, and he says his “primary goal is to give married and unmarried people a vision for what marriage is according to the Bible” (p12). The book is vintage Keller: The style is conversational, the insights are thoughtful and the approach is entirely Bible focused, with a particular emphasis on Keller’s type of Grace focused Christianity. This is not to say that only Christians should read…

  2. Wise and Wonderful, Profound and Practical Marriage is clearly a troubled institution in American culture, and that includes even among American Christians. The problem is that so often Christians have accepted the world’s definitions of marriage. While many Christian books have been written on marriage, Tim Keller’s “The Meaning of Marriage” is one of the best.What makes “The Meaning of Marriage” so excellent? At least four things. First, Keller gives a vision for marriage. His main reason for writing the book, in fact, was…

  3. A Compelling Vision of Christian Marriage Tim Keller is the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, New York since he planted it in 1989, and the church reflects the city’s demographics: approximately 80% of the people (in a church of several thousand) are single. So Keller has a lot of experience in teaching, counseling and shepherding singles in particular. This book had its roots in the early 1990’s when he did a series of sermons on marriage because of the skepticism, fear, and arguments that many of the singles in…

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