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You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times

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You’ll get through this.

It won’t be painless.

It won’t be quick.

But God will use this mess for good.

Don’t be foolish or naïve.

But don’t despair either.

With God’s help, you’ll get through this.

You fear you won’t make it through. We all do. We fear that the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. In the pits, surrounded by steep walls and aching reminders, we wonder: Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten?

In You’ll Get Through This, pastor and New York Times best-selling author, Max Lucado offers sweet assurance. “Deliverance is to the Bible what jazz music is to Mardi Gras: bold, brassy, and everywhere.” Max reminds readers God doesn’t promise that getting through trials will be quick or painless. It wasn’t for Joseph–tossed in a pit by his brothers, sold into slavery, wrongfully imprisoned, forgotten and dismissed–but his Old Testament story is in the Bible for this reason: to teach us to trust God to trump evil.

With the compassion of a pastor, the heart of a storyteller, and the joy of one who has seen what God can do, Max explores the story of Joseph and the truth of Genesis 50:20. What Satan intends for evil, God redeems for good.

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2 thoughts on “You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times

  1. Youll get Through This by Max Lucado This book is a perfect example of why i love to read Lucado. he is without exception by favorite modern author.What do we do when something awful happens to us? We think we will never recover. I know I do. We focus on why good people do bad things. We focus on pain. Well, in this the best of all his books so far, Lucado uses the story from the Old Testament about Joseph to remind us that God will use what the devil tryies to destroy to make something wonderful and powerful and fantastic -…

  2. You’ll Get Through This “You’ll Get Through This” by Max Lucado is a great read for anyone needing encouragement to persevere through the challenges they are currently experiencing. Using the Old Testament story of Joseph as a biblical basis, Lucado shares many important points, some of which are:1. Be careful of short-term thinking – your struggles will not last forever, but you will. You still have your destiny.2. You will never go where God is not and He is near whether you are happy or…

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