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Inner Abundance offers simple ways to cultivate a more meaningful and abundant life. The meditations, quotes, and affirmations in this inspirational guide remind you that true abundance is available every day. Learn to embrace what is already yours with thankfulness, joy, and the expectancy of even more good to come. A series of affirmative prayers help you change your thinking and move beyond fear and scarcity into plenitude and joy.

Abundance begins in the heart…

Inner Abundance gently helps you look at life from another perspective. You’ll find fresh insight on the small joys that you often take for granted or miss in the rush of modern living. This inspirational guide offers simple ways to cultivate a more meaningful and more abundant life.

What you think about affects how you feel about your life. Learning to focus your awareness by affirming the goodness of life is a wonderful tool for developing awareness and trust. The meditations, quotes, and affirmations in this book remind you that true abundance is available every day, no matter what you may be going through.

Discover your hidden potential to create a happier and more satisfying life. Learn to embrace what is already yours with thankfulness, joy, and the expectancy of even more good to come. Inner Abundance reveals the treasures of the heart with effective ways to create and celebrate abundance every day.

Affirmative prayer:

The future is not waiting for us. We create it by the power of imagination.
Pir Vilayat Khan

I have the power to create great abundance. I now claim that power, sense it growing and expanding within. I know that this power is the Life Force wishing to express itself through me. I welcome this living, loving energy into my life and know that I am being transformed in this moment. I choose to nurture this seed of faith within and to cultivate spiritual fruit in my life. Before I prayed, God has already answered, and I rejoice in the flow of energy, passion, goodness, and joy that overflows in my heart. I thank God that this is so.

Abundance begins in the heart. There is that within you that knows what to do and how to do it. Trust that inner instinct and follow its leading. Feed your soul with resources that encourage you on this path of spiritual discovery. Use affirmative prayers to remind yourself of the reality of the unseen world of love and abundance when you are feeling overwhelmed by the old illusions of fear and scarcity.

Affirmations offer a wonderful way to speak abundance into your life. Whether you use a promise from sacred scripture, a prayer, or a positive saying, an affirmation can be a reminder that abundance is available every day of your life, no matter what you may be going through. Inspirational quotes, positive prayers, and heartfelt affirmations help you embrace life with thankfulness, joy, and expectation.

Affirmative prayer:

We are a stream whose source is hidden. Always our being is descending into us from we know not whence.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I ask and it is already given to me: pressed down, shaken together, overflowing, running over—life in abundance, love in the light of Divine love and light. My cup overflows, my barns and granaries are full. I release all fear of scarcity and lack, knowing that I am perfectly supplied by an endless flow of Divine energy. There is plenty for me and there is plenty to share with others. I rejoice in the gift of God’s gracious abundance.

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One thought on "Inner Abundance: Affirmations for Confidence, Creativity, and Higher Consciousness"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Finding this little book at a time in my life when confidence was challenged and I was tempted to use forceful energy to resolve inner conflict. Reading her work reminds me of the way to empowerment through peaceful, spiritual means. Was re-inspired to get cretive with the challenge in a serene way, while conserving energy.Recommend this book to those who are tired, feeling loss and wanting to replenish energy in a gentle way. Thank you, Sharon

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