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Inspiration in Glass: Learn from leading glass artisans around the world

INSPIRATION in GLASS shares and ignites the passion for working with hot molten glass. It pays homage to each of the 18 leading glass artisans presented in this book: Akiko Isono, Annette Nilan, Astrid Riedel, Bronwen Heilman, Ginger E.L.A., Holly Cooper, Jeri Warhaftig, Kate Fowle Meleney, Kim Fields, Kristen Frantzen Orr, Lucie Kovarova-Weir, Meike Nagel, Nicole Zumkeller & Eric Seydoux, Rocio Bearer, Sharon Peters, Stephanie Sersich, Yoshinori Kondo. The book’s aim is to inspire you – all the passionate bead makers and creative people around the world to discover your inner-artist. Have you ever looked at pictures of beautiful glass art from leading glass artisans and wondered: – “How do they do that?” – “What inspires them to make this fantastic piece of glass art?” – “How did they find the ideas and inspiration for their signature piece?” For this book I have asked the 18 artisans all these important questions ­– not only because I was craving the answers myself, but also to inspire every passionate bead maker out there, who would love to ask the same questions. This book will give you the unique opportunity to look behind the scenes and offers you the possibility to learn from the artisans and their inspiration and nurture your own passion for working with glass.