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Going Down and Man Candy: Five Wishes, Books 1and 2

The Five Wishes series: Novellas about wishes that go terribly wrong…fortunately. Five Wishes…A happy ending is just a coin toss away.

Book One: Going Down:

Marion MacAlister wants to nail her audition, not get nailed. Truly. Honestly. All right…maybe she does want to get nailed, but that’s just because her hottie landlord and local diner owner Mack Ryan is confusing her. Can friends become lovers? Especially friends who might not even be friends in the first place?

Book 2: Man Candy:

Raine Harper is in love with Wade Gates. But Wade likes women who are model thin, and Raine is model thin plus a whole lot of pounds. Desperate to make him love her, she trains just a little too hard and passes out in the arms of superstar movie star Dirk Adams. Dirk thinks Raine’s junk in the trunk is perfect and proposes to make Wade jealous by becoming her pretend boyfriend. Pretend soon seems very real. Is Dirk a great actor, or is something really developing between Raine and the movie star?

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Christmas Candy

Life isn’t always sweet, even for girls called Candy.

Candice Parker’s life has never been easy. Plagued by losses and setbacks, each day is a struggle for the petite brunette and her young son. When fireman Gary enters her world, he is one mistake she refuses to make; but after tragedy strikes, she may not have a choice.

Gerald Ford has never been what anyone would call settled. Always keeping things simple, he lived a fast and furious lifestyle, with no intentions of slowing down. However, when he inherits his family’s ancestral mansion on his thirtieth birthday, he considers the possibility that it’s time for a change. Could this complicated young woman be his Christmas Candy?

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Mom Candy: 1,000 Quotes of Inspiration for Mothers

1,000 Assorted Nuggets of Parenting Insight and Inspiration
Mom Candy — it’s the sweetest pick-me-up quotation book for anyone who is a mom (or about to be one). Here are 1,000 of the most insightful, funny, poignant, and wise sayings on everything motherhood — from pregnancy and the arrival of a new baby, through the early years, the later years, and the lifelong bond.  All wrapped up in a jewel-box-like full-color gift book with two silk ribbons.

Includes reflections from Hillary Clinton, Madeleine L’Engle, Michelle Obama, Kate Winslet, Reese Witherspoon, Erica Jong, Jodi Picoult, and many, many others.

Being a mom has made me so tired. And so happy.– Tina FeyThe mother and the child always remain joined together with subtle energy, waves, because they go on vibrating on the same wavelength. –Osho, mystic and spiritual teacherThe ideal stance is a kind of gentle wonder, now and again brimming over into radical amazement. –Nina Planck   Children are love made visible. –American proverb

The simplest gesture, the ephemeral movement, the commonest object all become precious beyond words when touched, noticed, lived by one’s own dear child. –Mike Mason
Think in terms of “the last time”–as in, there will be a last time for everything.” –Trisha Ashworth and Amy Nobile.

What children take from us, they give. –Sonia Taitz