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52 Kids Affirmation Cards for Self Love & Confidence

Our children’s fast pace world is filled things for them to do. Social media and an endless supply of information on the internet. It’s easy to feel small, inadequate, and behind the curve. These Affirmation Cards for Kids are a quick and easy way for our children to build confidence, practice self love and open themselves to healthy lifestyle. In a world where obesity and prescription medications are at an all time high, how do we offer emotional support and teach our children how to love themselves? Sometimes as parents we get so caught up in correcting our children, when do we create time and space for positive encouragement or reaffirming positive verbiage that our children can use forever? Kids Affirmation cards were created to fill this gap! Designed for children ages 3 to 10 and can be a great way for parents to introduce and practice positive self affirming verbiage. With 52 cards in the deck, you can use one for each week of the year or pick one for daily use! Let your children pick an affirmation while waiting in line to drop off at school or before bed. You can say the affirmation aloud or to yourself while looking at yourself – a very powerful technique. It opens the option to elaborate on a topic explain further or share your own experience, which can help create a safe and comfortable space to discuss more than just homework and chores. These are just a few ideas! How do Affirmation Cards Work? REWIRE YOUR BRAIN: THE SCIENCE BEHIND AFFIRMATIONS Evidence-based research shows that affirmations, like prayer, actually change the brain on a cellular level-in other words, what you think about matters-a lot. “Thoughts have a direct connection to your health,” says Dr. Joseph Dispenza, author of Physics, the Brain and Your Reality: “Thoughts make a chemical. If you have happy thoughts, then you’re producing chemicals that make you feel happy. Negative, angry thoughts and fearful thoughts also produce chemicals to make you feel how you’re thinking.”

Product Features

  • Helps parents and children create self love and confidence
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Saint Quotes on Love Catholic Meditations Coloring Book: plus Note Cards to Color (Volume 1)

This Catholic coloring book for adults, teens, and older children has 30 full-page illustrations including religious art, floral designs, and other patterns to color. There are also 22 note cards to color, cut out, and give away. The simpler design of many of the illustrations and the short saint quotes make it easy for kids, busy people, and senior citizens to color. The book also makes a unique gift for grandparents and the elderly and can be used as a quiet activity for the sick, disabled, and those in nursing homes or assisted living as well. One way to use this book is to reflect on the inspirational quotes from saints and the Bible while coloring inspirational art. The quotes by saints and from the Catholic Bible help set the mood for reflection and meditation on Jesus Christ and his teachings regarding the importance of love. Meditating on the quotations and coloring the pages helps lift the mind to heavenly things. Additional information for each featured quote is provided on the preceding page. There are no rules on how to color, and you don’t even need to stay in the lines. Feel free to use any colors or media you like such as crayons, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, or markers. The illustrations are printed on one side of the page on 60# library-quality, white paper. If using markers or paint, a sheet of paper may be inserted underneath the page while coloring to protect the next page.

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Affirmators! Love & Romance: 50 Affirmation Cards to Help You Help Yourself—without the Self-Helpy Ness!

Even pessimists like a little positivity, so comedian Suzi Barrett created these inspirational-but-not-cheesy affirmation cards focusing on love of all stripes. Providing the fun of a horoscope with a little less woo-woo, and full of positive love affirmations, this whimsical box will help you help yourself, no shamanistic consult required!

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Mama Natural Pregnancy Affirmation Cards

Newsflash: You can enjoy your birth! Many mamas walk into birth fearing the pain, the interventions, and the unknown. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We have a choice in how we approach birth. And it begins in our minds. The 50 cards in this deck will fill your spirit with positive thoughts and inspirations. Each card features a gorgeous scene and affirmation, along with an encouraging note from Genevieve. Pick a card at random any time you need some encouragement from a friend. Be inspired, stay positive, and rock your pregnancy and birth! You are more powerful and stronger than you will you ever know! Let these cards serve as your daily reminder. — Card details — The cards are 3.75″ x 5.5″ (95mm x 140mm), which is much larger than a standard deck of cards. They’re printed on thick, 350 gsm paper. And the box is super sturdy 1200 gsm board. The cards were written by Genevieve Howland, aka Mama Natural, and illustrated by the amazing Claudia Schoen. We are so happy with how these lovely cards turned out, and we’re sure you will love them too!

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Soulful Woman Guidance Cards: Nurturance, Empowerment & Inspiration for the Feminine Soul

The sacred feminine is the universal feminine power expressed through the heart of Mother Earth―it’s a uniting and nourishing energy that embraces all of humanity. The Soulful Woman Guidance Cards will inspire and nurture your feminine soul, and support you in manifesting from this sacred feminine energy. The wisdom of these affirmations and the powerful artwork that illustrates the deck will help you to relax into life’s flow, trust in divine timing, follow your intuition, connect with your heart’s desire, and open to receive the extraordinary blessings the universe has to offer you.

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Evolution Cards: Helping You Evolve One Step At A Time – A 53-Card Deck

Kristie Scott shares with you her 53 whimsical and color charged evolution cards for your self-growth and pleasure. These graphically infused cards, inspirational words, and thought provoking messages, will center your focus to attract great health, meaningful experiences, rich relationships, abundant prosperity, and much more. Each card greets you with a focusing word and then an insightful lesson and on the reverse side a challenge to inspire positive action followed by words of encouragement. The point is to use your chosen word to start a new evolutionary journey every day.

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Life Loves You Cards

Like Louise Hay’s perennial best-sellers, Power Thought Cards and Wisdom Cards, the LIFE LOVES YOU CARDS contain affirmations that plant seeds for personal growth and transformation. Created by Louise Hay and Robert Holden, co-authors of Life Loves You: 7 Spiritual Practices to Heal Your Life, the LIFE LOVES YOU CARDS, like their book, explore the deeper meaning and practical application of Louise’s signature affirmation, Life loves you.

Each of the 52 cards contains an affirmation to practice on one side and on the other, an inspiring message to encourage self-inquiry and positive action. Among the affirmations:·         I dedicate today to love
·         I live in a friendly universe
·         I trust that life wants the best for me
·         I listen to the wisdom of my body
·         I choose to live with ease
·         I follow my joy
As an example, the card for the affirmation Life loves you contains the following explanatory text on the reverse side:Life loves us all. Look at yourself in a mirror. Breathe in and say,
“Life loves me.” As you breathe out, smile. Repeat ten times.
 The card deck is designed to be consulted in many different ways: as an oracle, perhaps, or a focus for the day or week, or to provide guidance on a specific issue. However the cards are used, the authors say, they all demonstrate the transforming power of love.

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Affirmations for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Affirmation Cards (Inspiration Cards)

We each have the ability within us to make our dreams come true. Positive thoughts and affirmations are two essential components in creating a life filled with joy and happiness. These affirmation cards are a great tool to help you find your heart’s desire, and to help you create the life you want. There are 40 beautiful cards that feature inspirational quotes from Julie Dane, as well as original hand painted art by various artists. Each card is 3 5/8 x 3 5/8 inches.

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Butterfly Affirmations: Affirmation Cards For Your Happy, Courageous, Beautiful Life

Butterflies are creatures of hope. They remind you that struggles and endings are signs of something beautiful and new about to be born. These cards contain affirmations to help you remember the courage and happiness within you. They inspire you to be wise, to be brave, to relax, and to never give up on your dreams. Simply relax, choose a card, and read the message. It will be what you need to hear right now. Let these fourty-four butterflies bring hope, healing, and happiness into your life today.