The highest happiness on earth is marriage.  William Lyon Phelps This precious little book of quotes is studded with gems of wisdom…

In life we face many obstacles. However, in the end, what matters most is love and family. In this book…

Audio Version is Now Available with Audible! Exclusive Offer — Today Includes 2 Amazing Bonus Books: The 100 Most Powerful…

“How to love yourself”—this evocative question has led millions of people to Louise Hay’s affirmation work. Now, this modern, beautifully…

Inspire – v. mid 14c., to inhale enspiren, "to fill (the mind, heart, etc..)” Latin inspirare "inflame" Irene Sugar Hamilton…

Would you like to attract more abundance? More love, more happiness and more peace? It is possible and available to…

This book shares powerful affirmations for improving your self-esteem and living a better life. Many successful people throughout history have…

Faith, love, and motivation are three simple words to say but can be complex when trying to understand what they…

What happens when we stop avoiding difficult people and simply love everyone? In his wildly entertaining and inspiring follow-up to…