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Inspire – v. mid 14c., to inhale enspiren, “to fill (the mind, heart, etc..)” Latin inspirare “inflame” Irene Sugar Hamilton Rieck’s primary art form was fabrics. She sewed beautiful gowns for the officers clubs at every duty station. Each dress embellished with lace, sequins, bugle beads, gathers, pleats, belts, tulle. My clothes too were things of beauty. All the above times two. My sister and I were dressed exactly the same in reverse with bows, collars, tucks, embroidery. Each dress meticulously sewn and ironed – too many to count. Innumerable, exquisite, immaculate, extraordinary quilts – some just to fill time and given to Salvation Army. Some tributes and memorials given to Sugar’s nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. At the One Woman Quilt Show, February 14, 2014, fifty-three of Sugar’s quilts were exhibited. Some were gleaned from Sugar’s house, but most were brought proudly by the owner to the exhibition. The City of Brownfield provided the venue, advertised the event, and built the quilt frames. Sugar did these things and more by example. We have a small collection of her haiku assembled here for your joy. And we have her inspiration.

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One thought on "Gifts of Love and Inspiration"

  1. C.M. says:

    A very special tribute to an extraordinary woman Thank you for putting together this wonderful tribute to Sugar. I am her great-niece (Kathy Hamilton Marzolf’s daughter) and this is a treasure. 🙂

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