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Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever

A riveting historical narrative of the heart-stopping events surrounding the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and the first work of history from mega-bestselling author Bill O’Reilly

The anchor of The O’Reilly Factor recounts one of the most dramatic stories in American history—how one gunshot changed the country forever. In the spring of 1865, the bloody saga of America’s Civil War finally comes to an end after a series of increasingly harrowing battles. President Abraham Lincoln’s generous terms for Robert E. Lee’s surrender are devised to fulfill Lincoln’s dream of healing a divided nation, with the former Confederates allowed to reintegrate into American society. But one man and his band of murderous accomplices, perhaps reaching into the highest ranks of the U.S. government, are not appeased.

In the midst of the patriotic celebrations in Washington D.C., John Wilkes Booth—charismatic ladies’ man and impenitent racist—murders Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre. A furious manhunt ensues and Booth immediately becomes the country’s most wanted fugitive. Lafayette C. Baker, a smart but shifty New York detective and former Union spy, unravels the string of clues leading to Booth, while federal forces track his accomplices. The thrilling chase ends in a fiery shootout and a series of court-ordered executions—including that of the first woman ever executed by the U.S. government, Mary Surratt. Featuring some of history’s most remarkable figures, vivid detail, and page-turning action, Killing Lincoln is history that reads like a thriller.

Product Features

  • Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever
  • Audiobook, CD, Unabridged
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The Thought That Changed My Life Forever: How One Inspiration Can Unleash Your True Potential and Transform the World

Have you ever had a thought so monumental, it literally changed your life?
We know 52 people who have. In the pages of  ‘The Thought That Changed My Life Forever ‘, get ready to meet these ordinary people whose lives became extraordinary when they jumped the tracks and took a powerful new direction because of one incredible thought. Where did it come from, what did they do? As you savor every page, you will discover these moments of inspiration, revelation and action so powerful that the “road less-travelled” magically revealed itself where it otherwise might have remained invisible.
We invite you into the illuminating lives of these gifted helpers and healers from all over the world who work in many different traditions and modalities for serving the well-being of others. They all courageously and beautifully share a moment where a thought shone so brightly on a future possibility that it not only changed their minds, but served as the key to changing their lives and the lives of the people they serve.
If we each have 60,000 thoughts a day, which one will change your life today—perhaps even forever?
Where will the Thought Movement take you?