[Read by Brian Tracy] Hundreds of thousands - even millions - of men and women have started with nothing and…

Based on more than 20 years of experience and 40 years of research, this book presents a practical, proven strategy…

Daily Affirmations for Love... we all need them - regardless our language or ethnicity. The wisdom of Dr. Mamiko Odegard,…

Life can be overwhelming at times. It can leave you happy, sad or even confused. We all could use a…

Is the ultimate quote book for those who seek to live life to the fullest. Inspiration Motivation for your life-changing!…

Inspiration Journal 100 Days Of Motivation: Thought Provoking Questions And Prompts – Inspired & Motivated In Less Than 10 Minutes…

Claire Barnes is shattered when her husband, Greg, goes on a business trip and never returns. Unwilling to just wait…

The law of attraction is more than trying to attract positive events into your life. It is about changing the…

The idea for this particular book (in the ongoing series of “Inspiring Quotes” books) came as more friends were getting…