Many books have been written on the subject of positive thinking and success, but most deal only with the mental…

     This mental-rehearsal CD set, the four-week guided-meditation companion program to Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking the Habit of Being…

There is a particular kind of insanity running rampant in the world that compels most women to stuff down, ignore,…

Happy thirty-something birthday to you or someone you love! The thirties are a time of discovery and change. So much…

Happy thirty-something birthday to you or someone you love! The thirties are a time of discovery and change. So much…

This Stylish Notebook is the Perfect Gift for the Retiree and Yourself! Journaling is One of the Best Hobbies You…

This personal growth diet companion encourages dieters--no matter what diet plan they are on--to stick to it by giving them…

Is the ultimate quote book for those who seek to live life to the fullest. Inspiration Motivation for your life-changing!…

Find Happiness and Harmony | 100 Life Changing Affirmations Could you use more peace and harmony in your life? Does…