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The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph

“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” (Marcus Aurelius)

We are stuck, stymied, frustrated. But it needn’t be this way. There is a formula for success that’s been followed by the icons of history – from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart to Ulysses S. Grant to Steve Jobs – a formula that let them turn obstacles into opportunities. Faced with impossible situations, they found the astounding triumphs we all seek.

These men and women were not exceptionally brilliant, lucky, or gifted. Their success came from timeless philosophical principles laid down by a Roman emperor who struggled to articulate a method for excellence in any and all situations.

This book reveals that formula for the first time – and shows us how we can turn our own adversity into advantage.

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Turning Heads: Portraits of Grace, Inspiration, and Possibilities

Hats and head scarves are nowhere to be seen in these portraits of women who have lost their hair during treatment for cancer. Each picture, taken by a well-known photographer, captures bald women too intent on work or play to be bashful about their looks among others, Melissa Etheridge belts out a Janis Joplin tune at the 2005 Grammys, a rodeo cowgirl poses with the cowboys, a surfer climbs a wave in Hawaii, and a nun scrutinizes her poker hand. A foreword and afterword by the author describe the genesis of the book, her own experience with cancer and hair loss, and the brave women who posed for pictures. Photo credits and profiles are provided for the photographers, who include Eddie Adams, Debbie Fleming Caffery, Reuben Cox, Rob Gauthier, Lauren Greenfield, David Hume Kennerly, Antonin Kratchovil, Harry Langdon, Gerd Ludwig, Jay Maisel, Catherine Opie, Harvey Stein, Nick Vedros, and Annie Wells.

From Independent Publishers Weekly

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The Science of Motivation: Strategies & Techniques for Turning Dreams into Destiny

Legendary college football coach, Lou Holtz once said: “When all is said and done, more is said than done.” These few, yet profound words explain one of the biggest predicaments that individuals face today. We want to be successful, happy and influential. Yet, very few of us, follow up what we say with specific actions that move us directly toward those goals. The idea of being successful is an attractive dream that fills us with positive emotions. Whereas the actions required to be successful are often difficult. The desire to be genuinely happy is a goal toward which nearly every individual aspires. But, the actions required to achieve deep and sustained happiness require us to often delay temporary gratification and “quick fixes” to problems. Saying that we want to achieve influence, either as a leader of others in the workplace, an influential member of the community, or as an admired parent and spouse, is far easier than the gut wrenching decisions, enormous amounts of personal time, and direct truth-telling that are required.

In this cutting-edge program from personal development expert and motivation master, Brian Tracy, you’ll learn that there truly is a Science of Motivation. If you apply Brian’s teachings and implement them in your life, your dreams will become your destiny as you produce the outcomes that you desire.

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Feminine Genius: The Provocative Path to Waking Up and Turning On the Wisdom of Being a Woman

There is a particular kind of insanity running rampant in the world that compels most women to stuff down, ignore, or hide parts of ourselves in order to be acceptable, attractive, or taken seriously.
Which doesn’t work. It actually ensures we remain unfulfilled, miserable, and at war with ourselves—and that is a war no woman can win.
So now comes the good news: There is a path to help you become the woman you are aching to become.
This path is unruly, messy, a wee bit naughty, and audaciously asks you trust the very parts of you that you previously warred against. While this path has no script, map, or blueprint, you’ll learn to use your sensuous, desirous, wildly feeling female body as a steadfast and trustworthy compass.
This is the path of Feminine Genius.
To get you started, you’ll have the best of guides: women’s life coach LiYana Silver. “One of the most enduringly inspiring things in my life,” says LiYana, “is to watch a woman slip the Gordian knot of self-loathing, people-pleasing, and over-achieving and become simply and fully herself.”
Partly an irreverently reverent feminist treatise and partly a non-denominational devotional hymnal to the Sacred Feminine, Feminine Genius just might change forever what you know about your body, soul, sexuality, intuition, and power. In these pages, LiYana invites you to: 

Go deep and reconnect with the powerful parts of yourself you’ve hidden awayMeet your innate genius: the wild, creative, and infallible wisdom of your bodyBrighten your everyday with hands-on practicesTap into your inner knowing so you can stop second-guessing yourself and get clear about your next stepsLearn how to embrace your sexuality, emotions, desires, and cycles so you can achieve enormous effectiveness and fulfillment in lifeNavigate your “dark” and work with painful, difficult experiences in healthy waysLearn how you overuse your “masculine” strengths to the point of personal, cultural, and global breakdownDiscover why your “feminine” isn’t weak, but is one of the strongest and most trustworthy parts of youExplore the history, physics, and biology of a universe built for harmony between “masculine” and “feminine”Look in the mirror and see the face of the Goddess gazing back at you 

If you found a dusty bottle on a shelf of your cellar, there would be only one way to know if it contained an all-knowing genie with the power to actualize your deepest desires: open, and look inside.
Feminine Genius is a provocative wake-up call, nudging you to uncork that fabulous flask and find out just how much magic you’ve been hiding. Because you do have a genie in your bottle—and genius in your body.
Are you ready to open, and look inside?

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Huế 1968: A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam

Not since his New York Times best seller Black Hawk Down has Mark Bowden written a book about a battle. His most ambitious work yet, Huế 1968, is the story of the centerpiece of the Tet Offensive and a turning point in the American War in Vietnam.

By January 1968, despite an influx of half a million American troops, the fighting in Vietnam seemed to be at a stalemate. Yet General William Westmoreland, commander of American forces, announced a new phase of the war in which “the end begins to come into view”. The North Vietnamese had different ideas. In mid-1967, the leadership in Hanoi had started planning an offensive intended to win the war in a single stroke. Part military action and part popular uprising, the Tet Offensive included attacks across South Vietnam, but the most dramatic and successful would be the capture of Huế, the country’s cultural capital. At 2:30 a.m. on January 31, 10,000 National Liberation Front troops descended from hidden camps and surged across the city of 140,000. By morning, all of Huế was in Front hands save for two small military outposts.

The commanders in country and politicians in Washington refused to believe the size and scope of the Front’s presence. Captain Chuck Meadows was ordered to lead his 160-marine Golf Company against thousands of enemy troops in the first attempt to reenter Huế later that day. After several futile and deadly days, Lieutenant Colonel Ernie Cheatham would finally come up with a strategy to retake the city, block by block and building by building, in some of the most intense urban combat since World War II.

With unprecedented access to war archives in the US and Vietnam and interviews with participants from both sides, Bowden narrates each stage of this crucial battle through multiple points of view. Played out over 24 days of terrible fighting and ultimately costing 10,000 combatant and civilian lives, the Battle of Huế was by far the bloodiest of the entire war. When it ended, the American debate was never again about winning, only about how to leave. In Huế 1968, Bowden masterfully reconstructs this pivotal moment in the American War in Vietnam.

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The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph

The Obstacle is the Way has become a cult classic, beloved by men and women around the world who apply its wisdom to become more successful at whatever they do.

Its many fans include a former governor and movie star (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a hip hop icon (LL Cool J), an Irish tennis pro (James McGee), an NBC sportscaster (Michele Tafoya), and the coaches and players of winning teams like the New England Patriots, Seattle Seahawks, Chicago Cubs, and University of Texas men’s basketball team.

The book draws its inspiration from stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. Stoics focus on the things they can control, let go of everything else, and turn every new obstacle into an opportunity to get better, stronger, tougher. As Marcus Aurelius put it nearly 2000 years ago: “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” 

Ryan Holiday shows us how some of the most successful people in history—from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart to Ulysses S. Grant to Steve Jobs—have applied stoicism to overcome difficult or even impossible situations. Their embrace of these principles ultimately mattered more than their natural intelligence, talents, or luck.

If you’re feeling frustrated, demoralized, or stuck in a rut, this book can help you turn your problems into your biggest advantages. And along the way it will inspire you with dozens of true stories of the greats from every age and era.

Product Features

  • The Obstacle is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph
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Miracles at Work: Turning Inner Guidance into Outer Influence

Millions have embraced the insights of the spiritual classic A Course in Miracles as a source of vision, empowerment, and deeper connection with others. For years, author and career expert Emily Bennington has quietly drawn upon this inspired text’s most useful principles to help thousands succeed in their vocations.
With Miracles at Work, she invites kindred spirits—those who yearn to bring their spiritual Selves into their professional lives—to begin the adventure.
Merging principles of the Course with mindfulness practices, social and emotional intelligence, and her own proven strategies for on-the-job success, Emily illuminates for those at any career stage how to: Anchor in to your aware Self on the job, resulting in extraordinary composure and leadership presenceUse the Course method for reorganizing your energy in each moment, allowing you to instantly release anxiety, anger, judgments, comparisons, or fear“Rise above the battleground” and navigate conflict with easeMove from a thought system based on striving and “specialness” to one grounded in connectednessStay inspired at work even through long periods of struggle, doubt, and overwhelm“When you strengthen your spiritual foundation, you become a healing presence to those around you—which naturally expands your influence at work,” teaches Emily Bennington.
Whether you’re familiar with A Course in Miracles or new to its insights, Miracles at Work is an exceptional guide to applying its timeless wisdom to your career, where it can profoundly enrich your experience and enhance your impact on the world.

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Turning On The Light: A Plan for Self Empowerment and Fullness of Life

If you feel like your life is on hold, like you’re stuck, you’re missing something, you wish it were over, that there is a secret out there that other people know but no one told you, that three minutes before you die you’re going to realize you missed it all, that there’s something wrong with you, that you’re insufficient, inadequate, that happiness is for frivolous people, that duty is everything, being in control is essential, like you must have something to hate to exist, that love means what are you going to do for me – then this book is absolutely for you.

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Say It & Have It: Decrees, Affirmations, Confessions and Declarations of Faith for Locating Hope, Sustaining it and Turning it to the Reality of … Liberty, Breakthroughs and Testimonies.

It looks like a promise that may not be granted, a promise untrue. However what we say really matters, how we say it, when we say it and our consistency at it. In this book, you are guide to leverage on faith and your part towards changing your life circumstances and determining its outcome as you speak right and authoritatively to activate the supernatural and spiritual. Reprogramme your mind for tangible positive outcome such as healing, prosperity, success, harmonious relationship, deliverance and spiritual growth etc.