In this book, internationally recognised PCOS expert Dr Rebecca Harwin shows you how to break through the personal and emotional…

On June 23, 2008, President George W. Bush nominated Ann Dunwoody as a four-star general in the US Army-the first…

This work was meant to be a PhD thesis to acquire the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics…

This book’s sole purpose is to ignite your personal power to pursue the life of your dreams by applying five…

Legendary college football coach, Lou Holtz once said: "When all is said and done, more is said than done." These…

Inspiration to Realization, a 224-page paperback compiled by Christine Kloser assembles 41 luminously gifted and compelling women entrepreneurs/ experts in…

Bestselling author and creativity expert Jeff Goins dismantles the myth that being creative is a hindrance to success by revealing…

What Is the Difference Between Having Empathy and Being an Empath?    “Having empathy means our heart goes out to…

Hack Your Motivation gives you the latest and most reliable performance tools and tips to help you reach your personal…