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Making Art From Maps: Inspiration, Techniques, and an International Gallery of Artists

Journey through the craft of Making Art with Maps.

From origami to paper cutting and decoupage, love of paper crafting has soared, and with it the variety of paper types used by artists. Among these are maps – an apt choice for any crafter: they’re easy to find, often free, meant to be folded, and their colorful surfaces add an allure of travel to every project.

Making Art from Maps is equal parts inspiration and fun. Jill K. Berry, author of Map Art Lab returns, bringing her expertise in maps and her wide-ranging skills as an artist with her.

With her cartographic connections, she takes you on a gallery tour, introducing you to the work of some of the most exciting artists creating with maps today. Designer interviews are accompanied by 25 accessible how-to projects of her own design that teach many of the techniques used by the gallery artists.

Product Features

  • Making Art from Maps Inspiration Techniques and an International Gallery of Artists
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Inspirations: Meditations from The Artist’s Way

The Artist’s Way has helped writers, poets, actors, painters, musicians, and creative people from all walks of life find the courage to create—and to make the act of creating a way of life. This collection of meditations and reflections from this groundbreaking work serves as a daily companion and catalyst for inspiration.

Julia Cameron’s works reveal that there is a definitive link between creativity and spirituality that can be rekindled and recharged. Inspirations is a powerful resource for fueling the creative spirit.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition
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Art Oracles: Creative and Life Inspiration from 50 Artists

Be guided and inspired by the world’s greatest artists with this creative set of oracle cards.

Are you suffering from creative block? Struggling to make a difficult life decision? Find out what Picasso, Pollock, Kahlo and other great artists would have done. Simply select an artist’s card from the pack, select the oracles’ advice on life, work, or inspiration and any obstacle becomes surmountable.

Contains 50 oracle cards plus a booklet featuring the artists’ biographies and details of how to use the cards.

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Beautiful orchids. Selected pictures for artistic inspiration: Reference Photos for Artists

The book includes photographs beautiful orchids for artists. With the help of this material artists can create their original paintings. Photo orchid are a great source of material for your inspiration! More than 60 reference photos of orchids. A wonderful discovery for artists! All pictures are licensed under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) which means you can freely use in your paintings without asking any permission or providing any attribution. The book does not have the name of flowers.

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Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age

Bestselling author and creativity expert Jeff Goins dismantles the myth that being creative is a hindrance to success by revealing how an artistic temperament is in fact a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

For centuries, the myth of the starving artist has dominated our culture, seeping into the minds of creative people and stifling their pursuits. But the truth is that the world’s most successful artists did not starve. In fact, they capitalized on the power of their creative strength. In Real Artists Don’t Starve, Jeff Goins debunks the myth of the starving artist by unveiling the ideas that created it and replacing them with timeless strategies for thriving, including

steal from your influences (don’t wait for inspiration), collaborate with others (working alone is a surefire way to starve), take strategic risks (instead of reckless ones), make money in order to make more art (it’s not selling out), and apprentice under a master (a “lone genius” can never reach full potential).

Through inspiring anecdotes of successful creatives both past and present, Goins shows that living by these rules is not only doable but it’s also a fulfilling way to thrive.

From graphic designers and writers to artists and business professionals, creatives already know that no one is born an artist. Goins’ revolutionary rules celebrate the process of becoming an artist, a person who utilizes the imagination in fundamental ways. He reminds creatives that business and art are not mutually exclusive pursuits. In fact, success in business and in life flow from a healthy exercise of creativity.

Expanding upon the groundbreaking work in his previous bestseller The Art of Work, Goins explores the tension every creative person and organization faces in an effort to blend the inspired life with a practical path to success. Being creative isn’t a disadvantage for success; rather, it is a powerful tool to be harnessed.

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Art Theory: On Painting, Architecture, and Other Visual Media: Including Creative Inspiration for Artists

Writings on Art and Architecture (1999-2016). This paperback version is meant to be a workbook of sorts. There is plenty of room to add content, draw ideas, and expand upon these thoughts. So, if you get a hard copy, it is meant to be studied, with things written in it. I intend to get a copy myself, and add more to it, too. Then I will issue an updated version years from now. Anyways, it is chocked full of ideas and good information. I think you will find the creative inspiration for artists section quite intruiging. So, get a hard copy and write your own ideas all over it. Expand, create, manifest… Thanks.

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Reference Photos for Artists: Selected pictures for artistic inspiration: Coast

The book contains more than 70 reference photos of landscapes. All pictures are licensed under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) which means you can freely use in your paintings without asking any permission or providing any attribution. A wonderful discovery for artists!

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Creative Pep Talk: Inspiration from 50 Artists

Every artist needs a little pep talk now and then. An inspiring tool and beautiful art book in one, Creative Pep Talk offers illustrated words of wisdom from 50 of today’s leading creative professionals. With full-color, typographic prints and explanatory statements from a host of creative luminaries—including Aaron James Draplin, Oliver Jeffers, Lisa Congdon, Mike Perry, and many others—this volume encourages artists to stay excited, experiment boldly, and conquer fear. “Create curiosity,” “Learn to say no,” and “If you can’t be good, be different” are just a few of the motivational maxims in this visually rich collection that’s perfect for students, designers, artists, and creatives at any stage in their careers.

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Portrait Revolution: Inspiration, Tips and Techniques for Creating Portraits from the Artists of Julia Kay’s Portrait Party

Julia Kay’s Portrait Party is an international collaborative project in which artists all over the world make portraits of each other and share them online. After years of exchanging portraits, tips and techniques within the group, in Portrait Revolution these artists are now sharing their art, their words, and their inspiration with everyone who is interested in or would like to get started with portraiture. Here you can find information on using different media, how to handle difficult portrait issues, and more.Portrait Revolution showcases 450 portraits by 200 artists, in a wide variety of media from oil painting to iPad art, watercolour to ballpoint, linocut to mosaic. There is a range of styles from realistic to abstract and interpretations by multiple artists of the same subject.