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Portrait Revolution: Inspiration, Tips and Techniques for Creating Portraits from the Artists of Julia Kay’s Portrait Party

Julia Kay’s Portrait Party is an international collaborative project in which artists all over the world make portraits of each other and share them online. After years of exchanging portraits, tips and techniques within the group, in Portrait Revolution these artists are now sharing their art, their words, and their inspiration with everyone who is interested in or would like to get started with portraiture. Here you can find information on using different media, how to handle difficult portrait issues, and more.Portrait Revolution showcases 450 portraits by 200 artists, in a wide variety of media from oil painting to iPad art, watercolour to ballpoint, linocut to mosaic. There is a range of styles from realistic to abstract and interpretations by multiple artists of the same subject.

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Afternoon Tea: Downton Abbey Style Afternoon Tea Inspiration and How to Host the Perfect Afternoon Tea Party at Your Home (Worlds Most Loved Drinks, Volume 04, Edition 01) (Volume 4)

The Ultimate Guide to Hosting Dowton Abbey Style Afternoon Tea

Have You Ever Wanted to Have a Formal Afternoon Tea, But Just Weren’t Sure Where to Start?

This easy to follow guide will show you how to host a prim and proper afternoon tea, just like the English have been enjoying for generations. If you have watched Dowton Abbey and wanted to make afternoon tea part of your routine or even just wanted to host an afternoon tea for a special occasion, this is the book for you.Inside you will discover:

A brief history of English teatime How to select the right tea Perfect recipes to compliment and afternoon tea Everything you need to host and prepare the perfect afternoon tea Proper teatime etiquette And Much More

Teatime isn’t just for English aristocrats. You can share in a relaxing and fun afternoon tea, no matter where you are from or what your situation is. Teatime is about catching up with friends and family and taking a break from the drudgery of the daily routine. This book will explain every detail you need to know when hosting tea at your home. Everything from choosing the right tea set to how to hold your teacup is covered. After you finish this book you will be ready to throw a flawless afternoon tea. Find out what you have been missing and host your own Afternoon Tea. Once you see how simple it is to put together, you may just become teatime regular.

Get Your Copy of This Guide Right Away.

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Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Dinesh D’Souza, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller America, is back with this darkly entertaining deconstruction of Hillary Clinton’s flawed character and ideology. From her Alinskyite past to her hopes for America’s progressive future, the presumptive Democratic nominee is revealed to be little more than a political gangster intent on controlling the nation’s wealth. D’Souza chronicles the sleazy ascent of the Clintons and makes clear what some voters have long suspected: that Hillary is far more dangerous and corrupt than Bill ever was.