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Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

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Dinesh D’Souza, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller America, is back with this darkly entertaining deconstruction of Hillary Clinton’s flawed character and ideology. From her Alinskyite past to her hopes for America’s progressive future, the presumptive Democratic nominee is revealed to be little more than a political gangster intent on controlling the nation’s wealth. D’Souza chronicles the sleazy ascent of the Clintons and makes clear what some voters have long suspected: that Hillary is far more dangerous and corrupt than Bill ever was.

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3 thoughts on “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

  1. Ku Klux Klan Originally Focused Terror Tactics Against White Republicans If the new movie is half as interesting as this book, it’s going to be eye opening to much of the movie’s audience. I can hardly wait to go see it. 

  2. Sorry Hillary, you are not allowed to Vote. I can’t actually review it better than the one other good review by J Paul. There is so much I already knew, and so much more I did not! Then there is the one other “bad” review that just rates it “pure propaganda”……………….sorry Hillary, you are not allowed to vote, you have already been proven a liar, and that is NOT propaganda. I watched the 15 minutes of Comey’s speech and thought as I’m sure many did that Hillary was going to be indicted. Was so surprised at the…

  3. Crooked Hillary 101; What you WON’T learn in History class! Do you ever sit back and find yourself wondering just HOW Hillary Clinton became the democratic nominee? If you’re like me, then your answer to this question is definitely yes. Given her HORRENDOUS track record (as author Dinesh D’Souza points out with actual citationsto his statements in his book), I’m amazed that she was even allowed to run, let alone make it this far into the election. 

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