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Until Harry

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Coming home is hard for Lane. Hard because her beloved uncle Harry has died suddenly, but also because of him. Kale.

Kale Hunt has been her best friend since childhood. But it was never that simple. He was Lane’s reason for leaving home and moving to New York. Seeing him with someone else, in love with someone else, shouldn’t have hurt. But it did. It really, really did. So she upped sticks and left, started a new life and cut herself off from her past.

But now she’s back and all the feelings are right there. As if she had never left.

Emotions are running high, and tragedy has a funny way of bringing people together. But is Lane reading the signs right? Are they still just friends, or is there something more?

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3 thoughts on “Until Harry

  1. He’s always been hers Six years ago Lane lost her best friend. Six years ago, Lane lost the only man she’d ever loved. Losing one may have been tolerable. But when both are the same person, it’s too much for her to stand and Lane does the only thing she can think of to protect herself… she runs. Told half in flashbacks, Until Harry is one person’s story of coming home again in the face of tragedy and coming to terms with everything and everyone she left behind. 

  2. 4.5 STARS!! I have not read a book by L.A. Casey, but the cover and blurb for this one was so compelling. I’m so happy that I took a chance on a new-to-me author, because I really loved this story. 

  3. What a crazy, emotional, amazing story. So…. you know there are stories that stay with you… you know they’ll stay with you long after you’ve read them and from time to time they’ll pop back into your head and make you remember the emotions you felt while you were reading them and maybe remember the reality you remember while relating to them… This story was like that for me…. I have been looking forward to this one for a while but nothing could have prepared me for how amazing it truly was. 

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