Directed at screenwriters (but valuable to all writers) this book offers quotes from some of the best screenwriters, authors, and…

Whether you're writing fiction or nonfiction, screenplays or poetry, or simply trying to keep a more compelling journal or blog,…

Monthly/WEEKLY PLANNER | GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR TIME When I was in first grade, I had to move…

When I started my career as a judo coach, I was a great polisher. This is not at all abnormal…

Self-esteem can have an enormous impact on how you feel, how you relate to other people, how you deal with…

Julia Kay's Portrait Party is an international collaborative project in which artists all over the world make portraits of each…

Journal to write in with mix internal of Dot Grid Journal, Blank Notebook No lined, Graph Paper. It can be…

What Are Popular Musicians Using as Inspiration? How a song comes into being? Inspiration tends to disappear just as quickly…

FREE GIFTS INSIDE Inside you will find FREE reports: 1. 101 Tips That Burn Belly Fat Daily! ($17 Value) 2.…