Zen Inspirations offers of the great Zen texts that bring insight and contemplation to busy, modern, 21st Century lives. From…

When I started my career as a judo coach, I was a great polisher. This is not at all abnormal…

"We are professionals. Though not specifically professionals in the field of 'psychology' or 'psychiatry,' we are both highly paid actors…

Are you an empath? If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by noise and crowds, been put down for being too shy…

Ten years ago I walked away from a job I loved. My passion for my work was crushed after I…

She was a woman on the rise. Susannah Simmons had a five-year plan for career success, and it didn't include…

Learn how to apply the main ideas and principles from The 48 Laws of Power in a quick, easy read!…

So many people in so many places simply desire to be themselves and live a life that is joyous and…

"We are professionals. Though not specifically professionals in the field of 'psychology' or 'psychiatry,' we are both highly paid actors…