With his international bestseller The Power of Now nearing one million copies in print, the humble man known as Eckhart…

Female Empowerment Marble Notebook Journal Start 2018 off right with this sassy She Believed She Could So She Did journal…

A book for dog lovers everywhere. Celebrating the amazing relationships shared with our four-legged friends, each story recounts the love…

Step into this inspiring space and discover the art and Power of Affirmations. Enjoy poetic expressions of faith and hope,…

Reclaim Your Power! A 30-Day Guide to Hope, Healing, and Inspiration for Men of Color is a compact but powerful…

A simple, practical, and straightforward guide to meditation from Bob Roth, a world authority on Transcendental Meditation who has spent…

A Lighthearted Approach to Serious Enlightenment Theme Weaver is a lighthearted approach to serious enlightenment for yoga teachers who wish…

From the author of The Power of a Positive Mom comes fifty-two devotionals to help every mother start her week…

One man’s journey in learning how to become stress free, form new habits, reject negative thoughts, live in the moment…