This audiobook is designed to increase your positive thoughts, manifest good fortune, and train your brain to be more positive.…

This Self Empowerment Booster program was designed to assist the listener in gaining self-thoughts related to gaining a solid sense…

Le pouvoir de l’affirmation rassemble 77 affirmations inspirées de l’auteur et qui s’étendent sur divers domaines clés de la vie.…

A simple, practical, and straightforward guide to meditation from Bob Roth, a world authority on Transcendental Meditation who has spent…

This Fear of Abandonment sleep learning program was designed to assist the listener in gaining self-thoughts related to gaining confidence,…

Now is the time to give your confidence a super boost! These sleep affirmations help you naturally boost your self-esteem,…

Rewire your mind for positive thinking while you sleep! Affirmations are a fast way create empowering thinking and relaxation and…

Use the Law of Attraction to bring love and romance into your life with affirmations! These affirmations are highly effective…

Includes 4 Sleep Learning programs in 1! Create an attitude and mindset for success with the help of The Sleep…