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Self Empowerment Booster: Enhance Self-Love, Confidence & Self-Respect, Day & Night Meditation & Affirmations – Expanding Evolution

This Self Empowerment Booster program was designed to assist the listener in gaining self-thoughts related to gaining a solid sense of self, enhancing confidence, self-love, personal empowerment, and self-respect.  

Expanding Evolution, Day & Night Meditations programs have been designed for those who wish to expand and evolve into increased personal success by exercising the power of focused perception and intention with positive thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. In addition, a daily practice of meditation has been known to provide many additional benefits, such as increased energy levels, health, happiness, optimism, peace, clarity, and self-control. 

Included you will find six meditations: three for use during the day and three for the evening, at bedtime, or while sleeping. Each meditation starts with a short, guided induction to quiet your mind and thoughts before the goal-specific affirmations begin. 

The background music is different for each meditation to match your personal taste. Music provided by Christopher Lloyd Clarke, chapter five, six, and seven. 

Mastery over thoughts, feelings, and actions begins in the mind. It is through consistent practice and dedication that success can be achieved in any endeavor. That being said, this program is best used repeatedly and often until the desired effects have been achieved. 

Accomplish your goals and create the life you’ve always wanted starting today!

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Gumptionade: The Booster For Your Self-Improvement Plan

WHAT IF YOU ACTUALLY KEPT YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS? For starters, you’d profoundly impress your family and friends. That’s because self- improvement is not easy. Most of us try and fail to lose weight, be better partners, get fit, get organized or fix our finances. We know what to do, but we can’t make ourselves do it. Consultant and philosopher Robert O’Connor puts a name on the elusive power to do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. It’s gumption: courage, resourcefulness, and common sense in harness together. O’Connor shows how you can build your gumption in this inspirational, handy collection of practical life instruction sprinkled with maxims such as “Don’t confuse Easy and Magic with the work of real change”; “Put excellence before success”; and “Don’t lead with your wallet.” His advice is firmly supported by true-life examples of gumption-driven problem-solving success stories (e.g., NASA’s Apollo 13 rescue, Billy Beane’s Moneyball success, and Texas governor Ann Richards’ victory over political foes and alcohol). O’Connor draws lightly on his own failures and recoveries, then gives concrete ways to rewire destructive ineffective thought patterns. Not just a cheerleader, he’s careful to note that “Enthusiasm is not gumption” because, like good luck, it’s “great when you have it, but out – side of your control.” Sixteen compact chapters, some with worksheets, spell out how to cultivate what you can control (your character) and show how properly applied doses of gumption can root out fears, and head off destructive responses, and help you do what needs to be done