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Through the Storm: A Woman’s Guide to Self-Improvement

Through the Storm is a book for women, by women. It is an intimate read designed to empower and inspire women to think beyond society’s stereotypes, past hurts, and pain in order to reclaim your power. Have you ever felt that you wanted to live more boldly, but didn’t know how to start? This book will give you strategies to improve your confidence. Are you struggling to confront a traumatic past? We hope that you are inspired by our stories, to finally unpack your pain to live out your purpose.

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Gumptionade: The Booster For Your Self-Improvement Plan

WHAT IF YOU ACTUALLY KEPT YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS? For starters, you’d profoundly impress your family and friends. That’s because self- improvement is not easy. Most of us try and fail to lose weight, be better partners, get fit, get organized or fix our finances. We know what to do, but we can’t make ourselves do it. Consultant and philosopher Robert O’Connor puts a name on the elusive power to do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. It’s gumption: courage, resourcefulness, and common sense in harness together. O’Connor shows how you can build your gumption in this inspirational, handy collection of practical life instruction sprinkled with maxims such as “Don’t confuse Easy and Magic with the work of real change”; “Put excellence before success”; and “Don’t lead with your wallet.” His advice is firmly supported by true-life examples of gumption-driven problem-solving success stories (e.g., NASA’s Apollo 13 rescue, Billy Beane’s Moneyball success, and Texas governor Ann Richards’ victory over political foes and alcohol). O’Connor draws lightly on his own failures and recoveries, then gives concrete ways to rewire destructive ineffective thought patterns. Not just a cheerleader, he’s careful to note that “Enthusiasm is not gumption” because, like good luck, it’s “great when you have it, but out – side of your control.” Sixteen compact chapters, some with worksheets, spell out how to cultivate what you can control (your character) and show how properly applied doses of gumption can root out fears, and head off destructive responses, and help you do what needs to be done

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Building Self-Esteem and Confidence: A Practical Guide for Self-Improvement (Motivated, Anxiety, Confidence,self-love)

A Simple And Easy Guide that will Build Self-Esteem,Confidence,Get Rid of Social Anxiety And help you Thrive In Social Situations!

Esteem is a common term and normally it is related to the importance or worth we give to certain people, happenings and places around us. There might be different ways to gauge the value of esteem we give to anyone around us. This gauge varies from person to person. Everyone has his own way of judging other sand then gauging on his judgment. Similarly, some might give sportsmen more esteem than doctors, lawyers or actors. It depends and it varies, it’s not a constant phenomenon all around us.

Among all forms of esteem, self-esteem is the most important one. Self-esteem is a fundamental requirement if you want to succeed in your life. In this world of competition, one can easily fall prey to wrong methods of success but it is self-esteem that will guide you to the right path. Our world is still a safe place to live because of this quality of human nature; imagine the world without self-esteem in individuals, it would be nothing than a chaos.

The level of human self-esteem changes depending upon happenings around him. He feels elevated if gets good grades, gets appreciation from a boss or any good news in the family will raise his self-esteem to new heights. On the other hand breakups, financial loss or a small fight with a friend might let him down. These fluctuations are part of life and the challenge is how to overcome this situation and maintain a high self-esteem throughout.

Normal fluctuations in life are a common phenomenon. The one who will have strong self-esteem will pass through these ups and downs in a steady manner. He would not be affected much by these fluctuations, even if he is, it would be for short interval only. On the contrary, the one with low self-esteem will feel it difficult to negotiate such tough situation sin life. He would take more time to recover from a worse situation as compared to the one with high self-esteem.

People with low self-esteem are stuck in the present scenario and forget their achievements in past. They are so much depressed that they undermine their built-in skills and ability to come out of this situation. They consider their present bad time as their permanent feature and don’t even try to come out of this situation.

On the contrary, one with high self-esteem will glide through a difficult situation with as ease. He is confident in his abilities and knows that he can overcome this bad patch with his built-in abilities. He doesn’t feel down and put his energies to overcome the situation instead of mourning.

We are endeavouring to help you build your self-esteem to a level that you are not affected by day to day falls of life. We will also give you tips on how to overcome such situations in life. This E-book is designed to transform your life from a loser attitude to a winner attitude.

Here is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn..


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