An inspired addition to the bestselling Daily Word series, Daily Word for Weight Loss offers guidance and encouragement on your…

Mental illness should not be taken for granted or shunned. Life itself is a realistically painful journey without having the…

"Life Healing Tools for You to Change Your Self"

Fearless Aging is for women who are looking for a positive and more soulful way to approach their aging, and…

This book will provide you with INSPIRATION and give you tools for PREPARATION to help you develop a new you…

As a lifelong student of Scripture, Kathie Lee Gifford has always desired a deeper understanding of God's Word and a…

This small healing book has been created for people undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The book is divided into four…

Do you feel lost, let down, or disconnected? Are you unhappy with the way things are going in your life?…

Spiritual teacher Michael A. Singer explores the question of human identity and shows how the development of consciousness can enable…