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Do you feel lost, let down, or disconnected? Are you unhappy with the way things are going in your life?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, We Are the 1: A Practical and Inspirational Journey Toward Self-Empowerment will give you the inspiration and instruction you need to turn your life around.

We Are the 1 is the story of how Zanda K. Gutek turned her unfilled life into one full of purpose by seeking divine guidance and journeying inward to understand herself, embrace her intuition, and realize her full potential. Her story tells us that “it can be done”—even when it seems like there is nowhere else to turn, we can turn to ourselves to find the power and strength we need to deal with everyday stresses and decisions.

By reading Zanda’s amazing account, you will learn what it takes to surrender to your inner power and discover the steps to take along your own path to realizing your full potential. Once you are on that path, you will find that We Are the 1 has steered you to a place where you are happy, comfortable with yourself and others, and enjoying life in ways you never thought possible.

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One thought on "We Are the 1: A Practical and Inspirational Journey Toward Self-Empowerment (Volume 1)"

  1. Rainforest says:

    Five Stars I love this book! It opened doors I never knew existed. Beautifully written. Heartwarming. Definitely, recommend.

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