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23 Successful Tips To Build Self-Esteem & Have A More Fulfilling Life

Self-esteem can have an enormous impact on how you feel, how you relate to other people, how you deal with challenges and how you feel in your daily life. If you or someone you know is suffering from having low self-esteem, or if you just need a little extra boost of confidence, this is the book for you! In 23 Successful Tips to Build Self-esteem & Have A More Fulfilling Life, Inspirational Speaker, and Certified Life Coach, Petra D. Wade provides useful yet practical tips to help individuals get out of their own way by creating a new mindset. She has created a blueprint for women that desire to have high self-esteem and build confidence in order to achieve their goals and have a more fulfilling life. This book does not only consist of successful tips, but it also provides actual action plans that will help lead and guide you down the path of reinvention in order to awaken a new and improved “you.”

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Reinvent Your Life in 15 Minutes a Day: A Guide to Thinking Big and Living a More Fulfilling Life

It takes practice and determination to break long standing habits and ways of thinking that no longer serve you. This book is designed to be used as a guide every day to practice higher forms of thinking and being. The passages are meant to lift you up and inspire you to achieve all that you can be. It takes practice, practice and then more practice so it becomes a part of you that you can’t live without.

Turn to this book at the start of each day and let the words sink in and become a part of you. This is not a book to read cover to cover. It should be used as a guide to remind yourself about how great you are and how everything in life happens for a reason. As you develop the ability to look beyond the immediate circumstances, you discover the deeper meaning intended for you. You will begin to appreciate adversity as an opportunity for personal growth.

This book is designed for busy professionals who want to jump start the day and get their mindset going in the right direction. There are Daily Conditioning passages to remind you of your greatness and other areas to help you overcome fear or how to turn negatives into positives. This book is jam-packed with insights and of course plenty of repetition. Be sure to read the Introduction for instructions on how to correctly use this book. This book is only as powerful as you allow it to be in your life.

You can do anything for 15 minutes so make it count by doing something that will make a big difference in your life. Learn how to think BIG to unlock the potential inside of you and to live a more fulfilling life.

Remind yourself about how great you are and your greatest achievements are still ahead. Look inward for answers by tuning into your inner guidance system. Rediscover the depth in you. What seems unbelievable is where you are headed. Recognize the wisdom in challenges and turn negatives into positives. Ask the right questions to receive amazing guidance. Acquire the right perspective to catapult to the next level. Learn how to breathe life into your dreams.

Reinvent Your Life in 15 Minutes a Day is uniquely written to enable you to easily grasp the concepts so they can quickly become a part of you. Use this guide in your daily practice so you can begin to think BIG and live a more fulfilling life.

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Root Speaks to Bud: Fulfilling the Purpose of Life

The process of discovering one’s unique purpose unfolds step by step through levels of intelligence and intuition, developing trust and faith in one’s own inner realization and guidance. Wish and will, desire and self-discipline assist in planning and sustain-ing the effort to serve and satisfy this purpose. A personal awakening in inner truth, happiness and peace comes with the knowledge that fulfilling one’s individual purpose serves to fulfill the purpose of the whole of Creation.

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Find Your Happy Daily Mantras: 365 Days of Motivation for a Happy, Peaceful and Fulfilling Life.

Find Your Happy Daily Mantras provides 365 days of inspiration to cultivate more self-awareness, confidence and inner peace. A companion to the international bestselling book Find Your Happy, this is a must-have guide to make happiness and inner peace a habit. This book is more than a self-help guide. It is a tool for recovery, providing hope and a path to freedom from pain. Any recovery process requires a dedicated practice, and the wisdom contained in these pages will guide you to open your mind and heart to create a more purposeful, happy and healthy life. “Shannon Kaiser is an incredible woman on a mission to help people find peace, happiness and fulfillment in their lives. Her desire to serve others shines through all of her work” – Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times bestselling author of Miracles Now

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Empowerment Selling: STOP selling and START fulfilling your customer’s needs

Empowerment Selling demonstrates the paradigm shift from selling a product or service by having to convince the customer that it’s the best product/service (which, at the extreme, would be high pressure sales) to facilitating the customer in a client-generated solution for a successful outcome which helps build collaborative, ongoing relationships—and a long-term sales win/win strategy. We are presenting a powerful approach we call The 3C Principle: Connect. Clarify. Cultivate. The 3C Principle focuses on the essence of this underlying empowerment philosophy for effective sales versus detailed mechanics or formulated scripts and the inference that the seller knows more than the customer.

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Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential

Michael Bernard Beckwith — the dynamic spiritual leader who touched millions of readers and viewers in The Secret and through the spiritual community he founded, the Agape International Spiritual Center — is now sharing his transforming central message and his powerfully accessible means for embodying that message in daily life, a process he calls “aspiring toward spiritual liberation.”

Michael Beckwith teaches that inner spiritual work, not religiosity or dogma, liberates us. He draws on a wide spectrum of ancient wisdom teachers such as Jesus the Christ and Gautama the Buddha; contemporary spiritual luminaries Thich Nhat Hanh, Sri Aurobindo, and the Dalai Lama; and Western contributors to the New Thought tradition of spirituality such as Emanuel Swedenborg, Walter Russell, and Dr. Howard Thurman to create a profound new belief synthesis.

Either read silently or aloud, Spiritual Liberation can be included during meditation or prayer. Each chapter includes an affirmation that distills its core concepts into a sentence or two for the reader to easily practice throughout the day. Beckwith’s personal and touching accounts guide the practitioner to integrate and activate the intrinsic gifts of divinity into everyday life.

The core concepts of Beckwith’s teachings are cohesively conceived and convincingly stated in the provocative chapters of Spiritual Liberation. Topics covering “Evolved People,” “Transportation to Trans-formation,” “Transcending the Tyranny of Trends,” and “Inner Ecology” are some of his foundational teachings that bring together insights from a range of spiritual paths to form a coherent practice that is neither Eastern nor Western but truly spiritually global.

Regardless of their belief system, readers will find it impossible to finish this book without at least a few “Aha!” moments.