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Empowerment Selling: STOP selling and START fulfilling your customer’s needs

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Empowerment Selling demonstrates the paradigm shift from selling a product or service by having to convince the customer that it’s the best product/service (which, at the extreme, would be high pressure sales) to facilitating the customer in a client-generated solution for a successful outcome which helps build collaborative, ongoing relationships—and a long-term sales win/win strategy. We are presenting a powerful approach we call The 3C Principle: Connect. Clarify. Cultivate. The 3C Principle focuses on the essence of this underlying empowerment philosophy for effective sales versus detailed mechanics or formulated scripts and the inference that the seller knows more than the customer.

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1 thought on “Empowerment Selling: STOP selling and START fulfilling your customer’s needs

  1. This is a must read for anyone who interacts with other. Guess that includes just about all of us. The book, written as a captivating story, is not just for sales people – although it rings vey true in the sales arena. ” Empowement Selling” is a description of how we should lead our lives in all situations. The story revolves around the 3 C’s – Connect, Clarify and Cultivate. By employing these actions on a daily basis we can have a profound positive effect on the life of others,…

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